Sunday, April 10, 2016

10 april 2016
Ved Panama Papers er må ugens ofre være de 99%  som ikke har konto derover. De 1% --Nordea, Islands statsminister, mm --  de er ugens skurke.  Forargelsen---Indignation......
Anne Sophia Hermansen -- bless her heart -- er også ugens offer fordi hun i sin klumme i Berlingske, "Det er ikke synd for mig" ...  er blevet bombardet by all the other victims De er de unge, smukke, forkælet who think that everything is so fucking UNfair....  Vi er omringet af ofre!...Take me to Hellerup, please! (with Uber, of course), men oops, her har vi også ofre! No escape.

Anthropologist David Graeber wrote a best selling academic book called "Debt: the first 5000 years". Debt, together with guilt, and appeals to cancel debt, makes society go around. Welfare states like Denmark are no exception. Half the population -- pedagogere, læger, sagsbehandlere, lærere, projektmagere-- treats/behandler the other half-- de resourcesvage, who are victims eller potential victims of something. Result: offertankegang på den ene side, forargelser og indignation på den anden....."jeg syntes det er for DÅRLIGT... hoste hoste..

Thursday, June 12, 2014

In Bornholm there is the folkemøde this weekend. Politicians, interest groups and media all talk to each other. The elite spends time in one of denmark's poorest areas. Feel good politics.  The PEOPLE OF BORNHOLM ARE THIS WEEK'S VICTIMS
I am an anthropologist. I live in Denmark. I follow developments in the Danish welfare state while I am living my own life. Jeg taler dansk. I work in Sweden. My wife is Norwegian. I have worked in Romania, Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia. I do research on corruption.  The best way to understand how Denmark works is to focus on those who feel they are victimized.  Every single day there is a victim. And if there is a victim there must be a perpetrator, and a witness who can give sympathy, support or criticism. Denmark is a land of victims, and people trying to treat them... trying to make the resourssvag into resourcestærk... Victims are articulate.. and in a country where nothing major really happens --no disasters, civil wars, corruption scandals, mass murders or Hollywood celebreties, the victim can be heard.
Take yesterday 11 june: Parents of schoolchildren are protesting against "inklusion" of  handicapped ("special needs") children in their classrooms. "I don't want to be egotistical,", says a mother of a 7 year old daughter, "but I need to think of my child first". So she and other parents will pull their kids out of public school. How bad for them. Their kids don't learn anything because the teachers are spending time with the ADHD kids. Parents of normal kids are UGENS OFFER... VICTIM OF THE WEEK.